
Hadisi Wins Herz Prize

Graduate student Reza Hadisi has won the prestigious Markus Herz Prize, granted by the North American Kant Society. “This year’s winner is Mohammad Reza Karim Hadisi, for his paper “Kant’s Transcendental Arguments, Hegel’s…

Two papers by Fleischacker forthcoming

Two papers by Samuel Fleischacker will appear. “Adam Smith and the Left,” will appear in Companion to Adam Smith (Ryan Hanley, ed. Princeton).  “Adam Smith’s Moral and Political Philosophy” will be the entry…

Two papers by Hilbert appear

David Hilbert’s paper “Constancy, content and inference” appeared in the volume Visual Experience (Gary Hatfield and Sarah Allred, eds. OUP). His paper “Teaching epistemology” appeared in the volume Philosophy and Education: Introducing Philosophy…

Ozturk paper forthcoming

Burkay Ozturk’s paper  “On a Perceived Expressive Inadequacy of Russell’s Principia Mathematica” is forthcoming in vol XII of the Florida Philosophical Review.

Murphy's book appears

Timothy Murphy’s book Ethics, Sexual Orientation, and Choices about Children will appear next week from the MIT Press.

Schechtman to speak in Oslo

Marya Schechtman will be presenting “Who Do You Think You Are?: Metrarepresentation and Self-Constitution” at the workshop on the reflective mind in Oslo on Sept.6.