‘The Big Lebowski and Philosophy’ volume which includes David Svolba’s and Adam Betz’s essay on just war came out earlier this Summer. The Amazon reviews so far have been good, and thorough.
Peter Hylton will present a paper to a conference titled “The Legacy of Idealism” in Cambridge (England) in the first week of September. His paper is called “Idealism and Analytic Philosophy”.
Daniel Sutherland recently gave a talkin Brazil at the Universidade de Brasilia. It was for an interdisciplinary audience, which helps explain the title: “Mathematical Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Overview.”
Tony Laden’s new book Reasoning: A Social Picture was featured on the “New Books in Philosophy” podcast: http://newbooksinphilosophy.com/2012/08/01/anthony-laden-reasoning-a-social-picture-oxford-up-2012/
Colin Klein’s paper “Two Paradigms for Individuating Implementation,” just came out in the Journal of Cognitive Science. It’s part of a special issue devoted to a classic paper by David Chalmers on computation.
This years’ group of students on the market did well! Thanks also to Nick Huggett for his tireless work as Placement Coordinator. Maria Balcells – Visiting Assistant Professor at Bucknell University. Robert Farley…
Peter Hylton recently spent two weeks in Brazil. He attended a conference in Nieteròi, a suburb of Rio de Janeiro, and then gave two talks at the Federal University of Minas Gerais in Belo…