Alex Denley’s paper “Towards an Anti-Oppressive Resolution to Interpsychic Transference” was just accepted to the “Justice in an Unequal World” philosophy graduate conference at the University of Calgary.
The Podcast discusses Anthony Laden’s Networks of Trust. The Podcast and book are linked below.
The Beautiful Soul in Schiller and Hegel Abstract: This dissertation uses Friedrich Schiller’s description of the “beautiful soul” to develop and defend an account of moral beauty, according to which a person who…
Marya Schechtman gave the presidential address, entitled, “Who am I and how did I get here?”, at the Central American Philosophical Association meeting.
Rachel Goodman’s paper, ‘Singularism vs. Descriptivism?’ is published in Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Language: Volume Three (Edited by Ernie Lepore and David Sosa)