Nick Huggett’s article “What did Newton mean by ‘absolute space’?” is now available in the recently published Interpreting Newton (Janiak and Schliesser, eds).
Sally Sedgwick gave a paper in Berlin at the Freie Universität, “On the Status of Narrative Form in Hegel’s Philosophy of History.” This was for a conference called “The Actuality of German Idealism.”
Colin Klein will give a talk entitled “What Pain Asymbolia Really Shows” at the University of Glasgow on wednesday, May 30th. The talk is part of a workshop organized by The Pain Project.
Daniel Sutherland is currently in Israel giving two papers and “workshopping” a third paper: “Kant’s Theory of Arithmetical Cognition” “Part 1: Cardinality, Ordinality and Enumeration” Ben Gurion University in the Negev, in Beer…
Jessica Gordon-Roth and Burkay Ozturk have each been awarded the prestigious Dean’s Scholar award for the 2012-13 academic year. The award funds a year of teaching-free research to grad students nearing completion.