
Huggett article appears

Nick Huggett’s article “What did Newton mean by ‘absolute space’?” is now available in the recently published  Interpreting Newton (Janiak and Schliesser, eds).

Sedgwick speaks at Freie Universität

Sally Sedgwick gave a paper in Berlin at the Freie Universität, “On the Status of Narrative Form in Hegel’s Philosophy of History.”  This was for a conference called “The Actuality of German Idealism.”

Klein to speak in Glasgow

Colin Klein will give a talk entitled “What Pain Asymbolia Really Shows” at the University of Glasgow on wednesday, May 30th. The talk is part of a workshop organized by The Pain Project.

Sutherland giving papers in Israel

Daniel Sutherland is currently in Israel giving two papers and  “workshopping” a third paper: “Kant’s Theory of Arithmetical Cognition” “Part 1: Cardinality, Ordinality and Enumeration” Ben Gurion University in the Negev, in Beer…

Gottlieb to Present at ASSC

Gottlieb's paper is entitled "How to close a gap: Explanatory Pluralism and Phenomenal Consciousness."

Gordon-Roth and Ozturk win Dean's Scholar awards

Jessica Gordon-Roth and Burkay Ozturk have each been awarded the prestigious Dean’s Scholar award for the 2012-13 academic year. The award funds a year of teaching-free research to grad students nearing completion.