
Will Small in Philosophers' Imprint

Will Small’s essay, “Basic Action and Practical Knowledge” has been published in the Philosophers’ Imprint. Abstract: It is a commonplace in philosophy of action that there is and must be teleologically basic action: something done…

Eaton in The British Journal of Aesthetics

A.W. Eaton’s “‘A Lady on the Street But a Freak in the Bed’: On the Distinction Between Erotic Art and Pornography” just came out in The British Journal of Aesthetics. Abstract: How, if at all, are we…

Huggett at Columbia and University of Washington

On October 27th Nick Huggett was on a panel at the Workshop on the future of the foundations of physics at Columbia University. On November 7th he will deliver the annual O’Hara Lecture…

Fleischacker at Northwestern University

Sam Fleischacker presented a paper to Northwestern’s practical philosophy workshop, on October 26th, called “Empathy and Demonization.”

Senior Thesis Option

Senior Thesis now an option for the Spring. Please see application details here.

Baxter accepts post-doc

Janella Baxter (PhD 2017) has accepted a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh Center for the Philosophy of Science for the 18-19 academic year.

Vatansever in HOPOS

Saniye Vatansever (Phd 2015), who in January started in her new position as Assistant Professor at Bilkent University in Turkey, has had a paper accepted in HOPOS (The Journal of the International Society…

Chancellor's Award recipients

Congratulations to Deborah Haar, Brandon Kidd, Francesco Pesci, and Nader Shoaibi for winning Chancellor’s Awards this year!