Undergraduate Opportunities
Philosophy undergraduates can take advantage of summer study programs and other research funding opportunities, many of which are aimed especially at women and minority students. Information about some of these events can be found here.
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Research Funding at UIC
Philosophy students can apply for the LAS Undergrad Research Initiative to support their research, including senior thesis projects. For further info on LASURI eligibility and program requirements, please see the LASURI website. For the Philosophy Senior Thesis application process see here.
Summer Diversity Institutes
Undergraduate summer diversity institutes in philosophy are programs that aim to address the lack of diversity in academic philosophy in regards to race and ethnicity, gender, socio-economic status, and LGBTQ+ status. In 2004, the Rutgers Summer Institute for Diversity in Philosophy (SIDP) was the only program of its kind. In 2006, Philosophy in an Inclusive Key Summer Institute at Penn State (PIKSI-Rock) became the second diversity institute in philosophy. Now there are over eight independent institutes that occur every year.
For more information about undergraduate summer diversity institutes, visit the website of the American Philosophical Association.
Undergraduate Workshops in Philosophy
There are several summer workshops for undergraduate students in philosophy, lasting from two days to over a week. These programs operate independently, but they all share a passion for philosophy and aim to support undergraduates in their pursuit of further education. For information, see the webpage of the American Philosophical Association.
Undergraduate Journals and Conferences
There are a number of undergraduate philosophy journals operating in the US. Calls for papers are circulated to the philoundergrad listserv, to which all Philosophy majors and minors are automatically subscribed.