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LAS-Philosophy Department Travel Awards

About the awards

Students will be funded for presenting or commenting at meetings substantially related to their studies, if they incur travel, accommodation, and registration expenses of at least $200. One qualifying trip to an academic meeting per deadline will be supported.

Applicants must also apply for GSC and/or Graduate College and/or other sources (such as the conference itself) travel funding if eligible (see the department website). Such awards will be deducted from the trip’s budget.

The annual student travel budget will be divided between the two cycles, with more money for the second, longer cycle. The available money will be divided in proportion to approved budgets (after other sources of support), but $250 is the maximum amount of an award.

In exceptional circumstances the Chair may make special funds available to a student on request. In case of more expensive opportunities, however, students should consider the Provost Award.


The deadline for Fall requests is November 15, and for Spring and Summer, April 1; students should apply to the first possible deadline, before or after a trip. Awards will be made by GAC shortly thereafter.

Money for matching funds should be requested from the DGS, and decisions will be made when needed. Matching funding pledges of $100 will be made as needed for qualifying applications, and count as part of the award if paid.

How to apply

To apply, submit, as a single document:

  1. A short statement describing the proposed use of the funds, the applicant’s role in the meeting (including title of session and paper, if appropriate), the method of selection of the student, and amounts requested from other sources.
  2. A budget listing travel, accommodation and registration expenses (no per diem will be allowed — see the DGS for advice about other expenses).
  3. A short statement of endorsement from the applicant’s advisor (or other sponsoring member of the philosophy faculty).
  4. A description of other funds that have been applied for, with expected dates for decisions; applicants must also inform the DGS of the results. (You may use the LAS form if you like, as long as all requested information is provided.) Materials should be submitted to the Graduate Secretary. Applicants are advised to speak to the DGS as early as possible in the process.

GAC may waive these rules if necessary, in order to achieve an equitable and efficient distribution of funds. These rules supersede those found on the LAS website.

There is currently more demand for travel support, but also less money available, so applicants should actively seek ways to minimize costs and to find alternative sources of funding. Driving can be cheaper than flying; and the conference hotel is often not the cheapest option (try an apartment service, or a hostel, or even contact local graduate students — the DGS may help with that). And of course sharing travel or accommodation cuts costs. Help the department help as many students attend meetings as possible.