John Whipple, PhD
Associate Professor
Building & Room:
1403 UH
601 S Morgan St.
John Whipple is an Associate Professor. He received his PhD from the University of California, Irvine in 2007. His area of specialization is early modern philosophy. He has written on Leibniz, Descartes, Malebranche, and Hobbes. His current research is focused on Leibniz’s distinction between esoteric and exoteric modes of philosophical discourse. He believes that careful attention to this distinction can help us attain a better understanding of central features of Leibniz’s philosophy including his views on substance, causation, possible worlds, and the problem of evil. It also sheds new light on the interpretive debate about the extent to which Leibniz is a systematic philosopher.
Selected Publications
- “Leibniz on Fundamental Ontology: Idealism and Pedagogical Exoteric Writing” Ergo (2017)
- “Leibniz and the Art of Exoteric Writing” Philosophers’ Imprint (2015)
- “Leibniz on Substance and Causation” in Leibniz and Locke on Substance and Identity, eds. P. Lodge and T. Stoneham, Routledge 2015
- “Leibniz’s Exoteric Philosophy” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (June 2013)
- “Continual Creation and Finite Substance in Leibniz’s Metaphysics” Journal of Philosophical Research (2011)
- “Leibniz on Divine Concurrence” Philosophy Compass (2010)
- “The Structure of Leibnizian Simple Substances” British Journal for the History of Philosophy (2010)
- “Hobbes on Miracles” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 89 (2008)
- “The Dustbin Theory of Mind: A Cartesian Legacy?” Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy (2006) (co-author Lawrence Nolan)
- “Self Knowledge in Descartes and Malebranche” Journal of the History of Philosophy (2005) (co-author Lawrence Nolan)