Neal Grossman, PhD
Associate Professor Emeritus
Neal Grossman is an Associate Professor Emeritus. He has a PhD in the history and philosophy of science from Indiana University. His special interests are Spinoza, mysticism, and the epistemology of parapsychological research. His older articles have been published in the Journal of Philosophy, Metaphilosophy, Philosophy of Science, and Synthese. Some of his recent articles are "Who's Afraid of Life After Death?" (Journal of Near-Death Studies, Fall 2002), "Reason: Stairway to the Transcendent?" (Journal of Religion and Psychical Research, July 2003), "Some Thoughts on Super-ESP" and "Further Thoughts on Super-ESP" (Journal of Religion and Psychical Research, July 2005 and January 2006, respectively), "Four Errors Commonly Made by Professional Debunkers" (Journal of Near-Death Studies, Spring 2008), a review of The End of Materialism, by Charles Tart (Journal of Scientific Exploration, 2010; with David Schaffer), a review of The Handbook of Near-Death Experiences: Thirty Years of Investigation, by Holden et. al. (Journal of Near-Death Studies, 2010), a foreword to Science and the Near-Death Experience, by Chris Carter (2010), "On Elephants and Matters Epistemological: Reply to Cardena" (Journal of Scientific Exploration, 2011). He has published a book on Spinoza, Healing the Mind: The Philosophy of Spinoza Adapted for a New Age, (Susquehanna University Press, April 2003). He is a four-time recipient of the Silver Circle Teaching Award.